Cairo Review No. 37



Cover by Mohab Abdelfattah. Inside illustrations by Mina Anton.

Tahrir Forum

Water Rivalry on the Nile

In an effort to overcome competition over water resources, Nile Basin countries can collaborate in harvesting more rainfall and increase Nile flow to maximize benefit sharing to reach a win-win solution.

Global Forum


A Question of Delivery

The success of Egyptian higher education depends on far more than reforming content and curricula. Cherry-picking the best from the American model is one place to start.

A Surplus of Deficits

From a political economy perspective, there are four key forces working against the peace and prosperity of Middle Eastern and North African states. To defeat them, robust institutions are essential.


Mustafa Amin’s Legacy Revived

Mustafa Amin was a touchstone for a generation of journalists who valued a freer and more truthful school of journalism. His recently donated private library offers a rare glimpse into his professional life. 

Book Reviews