The Most Severe Threat Facing MENA

Water scarcity is one of the most pressing issues facing the international community today and has gained widespread attention recently due to the rise in global temperatures and the increase in water consumption in a number of countries, especially those in the Middle East. Despite these concerns, many nations remain unprepared to confront water scarcity and continue to fail to make the issue a political priority.
The shortage of water in the Middle East has worsened in the modern era due to high population growth rates,  » Read more about: The Most Severe Threat Facing MENA  »

End of War, but Not of Conflict

State (re)building in war-torn countries can only happen in a conducive political process on all levels ranging from the local to the international, which is exactly what seems lacking in MENA

Civil Society for the Displaced

/ Tahrir Forum

To meet the challenges of massive human displacement in the Middle East and North Africa, civil society actors need a common platform where they can advocate. The MENA Civil Society Network for Displacement or CSND sets out to be that.

Pains and Dreams on the Silk Road

/ Global Forum

Chinese activity in the Middle East has been a lesson in non-involvement and support for local economic projects; yet, as the Belt and Road Initiative kicks off, China’s role in the MENA region will inevitably change.

What Tech Can Do for Arab Women

/ Tahrir Forum

If the technology sector can ease constraints that have traditionally excluded Arab women from economic opportunities, then both tech and women will greatly benefit.