Women and Children First

/ Midan

Women and children migrant voices, especially after the pandemic, must be amplified in discussions around the Global Compact, which aims to bring world governments in line with good and safe migration governance.

The Elusive International Order

Danilo Türk, a former president of the Republic of Slovenia, is Slovenia’s candidate to become secretary-general of the United Nations, discusses the UN’s failures, the influence of great powers, and the crises in Europe.

Our Great Migration Challenge

The current refugee crisis in Europe underscores the imperative of integration: to achieve healthy societies, immigrants must integrate, but they must also be offered a real chance to reach their full potential.

Closing the Gates

Europe’s security-driven response to the surge of refugees has been cowardly and xenophobic. There are more viable approaches: granting temporary protections, offering broader alternatives to asylum for those fleeing conflict, and adopting more flexible visa policies.

Obama’s Tarnished Legacy in the Middle East

President Barack Obama had to deal with a dysfunctional state system and fraying civil societies, as well as blowback from George W. Bush’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet his own actions and inactions throughout two terms of office contributed significantly to the great unraveling of the Middle East.

Leaving Syrians No Options

/ Tahrir Forum

By destroying rebel groups’ attempts at local governance, Russian military assistance is helping Assad present his government as the only viable force to rule Syria.

Refugee Crisis Calls for International Solidarity

/ Tahrir Forum

On the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations, the UN director-general in Geneva asks what happened to international solidarity. The world, and not only Europe, is responsible for the refugee crisis roiling international relations.