A Resurgent Trump Returns to a Turbulent Middle East
Trump’s unpredictable yet forceful leadership is entering a region in flux, offering both challenges and opportunities for his second term
Trump’s unpredictable yet forceful leadership is entering a region in flux, offering both challenges and opportunities for his second term
Moving the Palestinians in Gaza to neighboring Arab countries will not solve the underlying problems caused by the Israeli occupation
To dissect the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol requires an understanding of the language of American political violence.
As the United States moves back to a more traditional presidency, the world questions the new administration’s ability, much less willingness, to take a leading role in world politics amid more demanding issues at home
Former U.S. diplomat and American University in Cairo President Francis Ricciardone discusses whether a Biden win will see a return to a rules based international order.
On the eve of a pivotal U.S. election, American University in Cairo President Francis J. Ricciardone Jr. is optimistic about America’s unwavering belief in openness and diversity.
Gender and women’s rights have been divisive issues in U.S. domestic politics, particularly when it comes to abortion. How has the Trump administration handled these issues and will the 2020 U.S. election serve as a continuation of these policies?
American Jews are left divided and looking for new directions as Donald Trump embraces the white supremacism of the alt-right and the Zionism of Benjamin Netanyahu
The United States is facing a perfect storm that puts it in the headlights of its counterparts’ world views.
Lisa Anderson explains how external response to the Libyan conflict largely synchronizes with existing alliances and strategic interests.
Will Europe’s approach of principled pragmatism toward the Mediterranean succeed in creating stability where previous approaches have failed?
How Donald Trump’s America First policy failed
The American people lose out to contradictory official messages during a crisis that has been framed within the 2020 presidential election.
An eminent journalist connects American anti-Muslim rhetoric to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.
Diana Carlin, leader in the field of U.S. political communication, speaks with the Cairo Review’s Assistant Editor Sydney Wise.
Former Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister Nasser Alkidwa explains the ways Palestinians are contesting the Trump plan for peace and how the Trump deal caters only to extremists on the Israeli and American right
Hours after U.S. President Donald Trump unveiled his plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace, the reactions of key regional figures ranged from hopeful to enraged.
How Donald Trump trashed the post-Cold War international order
In reaffirming the U.S. role in the Middle East, anti-terrorism expert Gerald Feierstein explains that it is not enough to just fight violent networks; leaders must also address the root causes of extremism
Jared Kushner’s economic stimulus initiative to solve the Palestinian issue was introduced in the 80s and ended in failure.
U.S. and Saudi confrontations with Iran are causing proxy-warfare in weak or failing Arab states and escalating tensions in the Gulf, but there might still be a chance for diplomatic progress with the right combination of measures targeting Gulf-specific, regional, and international issues.
Egypt’s first Fulbright specialist from the United States since 2013 Thomas De Luca critiques the past and the future of national exceptionalism, political polarization, and erosion of democratic values both at home and abroad
Iran’s role in the “end-state diplomatic model” of conflict resolution and crisis management in the Middle East
For long-time scholar of American foreign policy, William Quandt, it’s still too hard to say what Trump wants in the Middle East
Shibley Telhami lays down a guide to understanding Donald Trump and the “clash of civilizations” that exists within America today. According to polls, more Americans are adopting a cosmopolitan “anti-Trump” identity, as well as more rigid religious identities.
Jordan’s economic, demographic and geographic characteristics have left the country vulnerable to mass protests and external pressure that can only be overcome by a comprehensive reform program.
The consequences of Trump’s short-sighted decision on the Iran Nuclear Pact and an analysis of the JCPOA’s pros and cons.
President Donald Trump has boasted “We will get this done” on peace in the Middle East. Negotiations between wary Israeli and Palestinian leaders might need a provocative jolt in order to stop the slide toward a “one-state reality.”
President Trump’s aggressive stance against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards could further jeopardize regional stability and the Iran nuclear deal.
All parties in the Qatar crisis are learning important lessons about the business of statecraft, which will benefit them all in the long run.
Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband quit Parliament to take up the helm of the International Rescue Committee. He speaks to Cairo Review Senior Editor Amir-Hussein Radjy about the biggest refugee crisis since World War II and the personal family story that drives his work.
As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump campaigned on promises that would reverse years of trade liberalization. Whether or not he triggers a global trade war, his policies are undermining America’s standing as the preeminent world leader.
Is the free trade party over? Competition certainly has its losers. But the widespread discontent with globalization misses a crucial point: only more trade, not less, will reverse the slowdown in world productivity.
Who’s afraid of globalization? Everybody from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders, it seems, and environmentalists and factory workers in between. An unlikely coalition of skeptics from across the political spectrum is driving the anti-trade movement.
Russia needs the West—but the realpolitik driving its foreign policy demands it be treated as an equal.
The Trump administration pageant moves to the Middle East.
Based on the outlines of Trump’s apparent goals, all his goals are rehashed versions of past policy failures.
Resolving the conflict in Africa’s youngest country brings to the fore contradictions in President Trump’s foreign policy.
The Middle East is reeling from domestic battles between progressive and repressive visions, the impact of globalization, and an exploding youth bulge. Now the reemergence of Russia, the rise of China, and the election of a nonconformist American president also require the Arab World’s urgent attention.
Does the world matter to Americans?
The contradictions of U.S. foreign policy could lead to renewed tensions with Gulf leaders.
U.S.-Egyptian relations are at a crossroads.
America wades deeper into the quagmire of Syria’s civil war.
The Trump administration has suggested dropping the two-state solution and moving its embassy to Jerusalem. Influential Palestinian leader Hanan Ashrawi speaks out.
U.S. policy threatens to undo not only the two-state solution, but stable relations with Israel’s Arab neighbors.
I think we should all be very worried about the tone and direction of Trump’s apparent views on how the United States should pursue its relations with Egypt.
The Jared Kushner appointment is controversial and even shocking to many, but to Donald Trump it is the epitome and the heart of what he and America are all about.
The year 2016 has demonstrated that the West, the liberal order the Arab World sought to become a part of, was going through an identity crisis of its own.
Indian writer Pankaj Mishra probes imperialism’s legacy, liberalism’s failure, and the spreading global disorder.
Donald Trump has expressed sympathy for gay rights in the past, but his conservative supporters are out to reverse the hard-won gains made by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people. Activists are ready for a fight.